Cast of Characters
The characters and events I portray here are all real people and real events that shaped San Francisco, California, and American history. I have worked as much as dramatically possible to set down the scenes as they have been reported by multiple sources, with all their real friendships, partnerships, rivalries, marriages, swindles, betrayals, and murders— depicted in the true chronology of these happenings, and whenever possible in people’s own words.
The Dreamers
Phoebe Apperson Hearst  (age 17-26)
Theodore and Anna Judah  (age 27-36 and 25-34)
Adolph Sutro  (age 25-40)
Samuel Clemens  (age 25-34)
Mary Ellen Pleasant  (age unknown)
The Barons
George Hearst  (age 39-48)
Leland Stanford (age 37-46)
Collis Huntington (age 40-49)
Charles Crocker (age 39-48)
Mark Hopkins (age 48-57)
Judge E.B. Crocker (age 43-52)
The Bohemians
Bret Harte (age 24-34)
Ina Coolbrith (age 19-29)
Charles Warren Stoddard (age 19-29)
Jim Gillis (age 26-35)
The Executive Committee
Philip Bell (age 51-60)
Peter Anderson (age unknown)
James Madison Bell (age unknown)
William H. Hall (age unknown)
Reverend J.J. Moore (age unknown)
The Abolitionists
Jessie Frémont (age 36-40)
Thomas Starr King (age 36-39)
Selim Woodworth (age 45-55)
The Secessionists
Senator William Gwin (age 55-60)
Asbury Harpending (age 21-31)
Henry Huntley Haight (age 42-47)
The Celestials
Moy Jin Mun (age 15-24)
Moy Jin Kee (age 18-27)
Dr. Yee Fung Cheung (36-45)
Ah Ki (age unknown)
Ah Ling (age unknown)
Los Californios
General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo (age 50-65)
Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton (age 15-36)
The Newsmen
Charles de Young (age 13-22)
Michael de Young (age 10-20)
Gustavus de Young (age 12-22)
Joe Lawrence (age 36-40)
Joe Goodman (age 23-32)
Henry George (age 30-31)
Steve Gillis (age 23-32)
The Bank Ring
William Ralston (age 34-44)
William Sharon (age 41-48)
Thomas Bell (age 40-47)
Dark Horses
Jane Lathrop Stanford (age 34-43)
Ambrose Bierce (age 19-28)
Lisette Flohr (age 19-29)
William Randolph Hearst (age 0-6)
Leland Stanford, Junior (age 0-3)
Lizzie Ralston (age 22-32)
The Presidents
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
The Emperor
Norton I